
Kodan Solutions Pvt Ltd Warehousing

We have the requisite expertise for efficient management of the shipment of varied types of cargo from inland and port destinations to anywhere in the world by sea, air, road and rail.

We optimise various kinds of means for transportation of your cargo within a short period of time by offering the best alternatives and routes at the best possible costs.

We pride ourselves with exceptional service, ability to meet deadlines and tight time constraints and service to a multitude of industries.

We believe in providing accurate, fast and timely communications to the clients so as to keep them abreast of the movement of the cargo

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Whatever it is that you need flown in to your business, Kodan Solutions is able to accommodate you. As always, we don’t look at the process in isolation: from point of origination to point of arrival we’ve got you covered, including the management of all customs and regulatory procedures.

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We have the requisite expertise for efficient management of the shipment of varied types of cargo from inland and port destinations to anywhere in the world by sea, air, road and rail.

We optimise various kinds of means for transportation of your cargo within a short period of time by offering the best alternatives and routes at the best possible costs.

We pride ourselves with exceptional service, ability to meet deadlines and tight time constraints and service to a multitude of industries.

We believe in providing accurate, fast and timely communications to the clients so as to keep them abreast of the movement of the cargo.

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Quisque a erat a ante egestas vestibulum sit amet eu odio.

Vestibulum dignissim, orci id aliquet feugiat, neque diam ullamcorper est, eget interdum urna turpis sit amet dolor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum varius ultricies enim, ut sodales diam faucibus at. Sed auctor eget ipsum vel consectetur. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Mauris quis suscipit metus. Donec lacinia scelerisque purus, vitae porta enim elementum sit amet. Ut magna tellus, laoreet eget rhoncus id, faucibus ut nibh. Vestibulum et scelerisque felis. In efficitur erat eu mi fringilla, at ornare nisi convallis. Mauris vitae turpis ex. Vivamus laoreet dui sed purus rhoncus, sit amet ullamcorper neque varius.

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We have thorough knowledge of Customs Act, Customs Rules and Regulations, Tariff Classification, Notifications, Duty Concessions, various Duty Exemption Schemes, Duty Drawback Claim, Customs Duty Refund, License Verification, Clearance of Capital Goods and Second Hand Machines. We expertise in handling both export and import of any type of cargo

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Working hours
Mon - Fri:10:00 am - 06:00 pm Sat - Sun:Holidays
Keep in touch
  • PSP C-04-001A, Palm Spring Plaza, EMAAR Building, Sector-54, Gurgaon - 122009.
  • +(91) 124 2575400 / 01 / 02
  • +(91) 9717864919